"All progress takes place outside the comfort zone."
-- Michael John Bobak

Club Vice President 2020-2021
Club Marketing Director 2019-2020
Udit is the 2020-2021 Vice President, and was the Marketing Director for 2019-2020 of the A-Z Business and Science club. He designs and produces promotional media such as posters, and helps organize volunteering opportunities for fellow club members. Udit has a keen interest in extracting different skills from every opportunity for self improvement and also for collaboration and team interest. He enjoys learning about science concepts and is interested in learning computer science. He likes to draw and paint which is where he gets his graphic designing ability from.
“Business and entrepreneurship requires unique ideas and creative thinking skills that solves problems practically and that is why I became interested in this club. A-Z business and science club teaches us lifelong skills such as marketing, presentation as well as engineering and math concepts.”
What are three words to describe yourself?
Unique, Personable, Curious
Favorite video game?
I love Animal Crossing and Breath of the Wild. I enjoy these two games a lot and both incorporate a lot of formulaic concepts, planning and organizational skills as well as implementation of these concepts in different ways.
Quote to live by:
“for me, it’s an experiment to see what people are going to think of it” - Hikaru Utada
Club President 2020-2021
Akshith is the 2020-2021 president of the A-Z Business and Science club and helps with the coordination of club activities in and out of the classroom. He is determined to make a better society and knows the club is the foundation to do just that. He is fascinated by history and holds a deep interest in sciences as well. He also participates in Pioneer Tennis, Pioneer Science Olympiad and frequently volunteers as a hobby.
“My interest in business comes from wanting to make the world a better place. I believe that A-Z Business and Science Club is a great place where other students and I can develop the engineering, marketing and leadership skills necessary to accomplish making a positive impact on society, which is why it is important that we give back to the club so that this opportunity can be available in school for years to come.”
What are three words to describe yourself?
Eager, Resilient, Thoughtful
Favorite video game?
Any FIFA game. It’s fun to weave the ball between the players and come up with interesting ways to put the ball in the net.
Quote to live by:
“If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.” - Dolly Parton

Vice President 2019-2020
Tim is the Vice President of the A-Z Business Club, and helps organize club affairs outside of school, as well as the presentations and curriculum done in the classroom. He strives to make a positive impact on society, and knows that this club would help him achieve that. He enjoys math, history, and sports like soccer; speaks Czech, and is a two time Pioneer Academic Award nominee and winner.
“My interest in business comes from my competitiveness and empathy for those in need. By edging out rivals in the business field, I feel that I can give back to others and help those in need. Joining this club was exactly what I needed: a place where I can both grow as a businessman and help those in need through volunteering.”
What are three words to describe yourself?
Persistent, hardworking, and caring
Favorite video game?
Football Manager 2019, because the possibilities to winning are endless
Quote to live by:
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” - Walt Disney
Club President 2019-2020
Ivan is the 2019-2020 president of the A-Z business and science club and helps with the curriculum and creation of new activities for the club. He wants to help make a long lasting impact on society and knew this club would be the way to peruse that. His interests are math and science and after school he likes to play football, crew, and track.
“My interest in business comes from wanting to make an impact on the world by improving people’s lives and the competition involved in business. By heling the local community I feel as though the club can branch out further and help more in need of it!”
What are three words to describe yourself?
-understanding, astute, and intelligent
Favorite video game?
“StarCraft, because it is an older video game that involves a lot of strategy!”
Quote to live by:
“Nobody cares work harder”-Cameron Hanes

Co-Founded Club 2018
Vice-President 2018-2019
Supervisor 2019-2021
Arjun is the co-founder of A-Z Business & Science and leader of the eBay department. He is intrigued by social studies but has a niche interest in sciences. In school, he also participates in tennis, golf, band, and debate team.
"My interest in business comes from efficiency and connection to people. When starting this club, I had hopes of bringing something different to the school that wouldn't require people to memorize traits and formulas, but give chances to experiment and even take risks. The eBay department was formed from this outlook of outside thinking to help a greater good."
What are three words to describe yourself?
-Hungry, motivated and optimistic
Favorite video game?
"I gotta go with the Pokémon series. It's just good in every way."
Quote to live by:
"The first step is to establish that something is possible. Then probability will occur." -Elon Musk
Founded Club 2018
President 2018-2019
Head Supervisor 2019-2021
Website Designer/Maintainer 2018-2021
Nathan is the founder of A-Z Business & Science and organizer of all club affairs with the PTSO, fundraisers, and club activities inside and outside of school. He enjoys the idea of making a difference in society with the resources available and hopes to inspire others to do the same. He is The Creator of this website, on the Tennis team, performed multiple TEDx talks, and is currently doing research outside of school for the detection of Kidney Cancer using Deep learning.
"When I came to Arjun with the idea of A-Z Business & Science I pitched it to him as a way to create the leaders of tomorrow, and a means to give back to the community in a unique way. I felt as though our clubs mission should focus on enticing people to not regurgitate information they memorized, but actually gain interest in the idea of making a difference. From learning how to do public speaking to pitch an idea all the way to helping the homeless, the club really is A to Z. Being open ended to allow for innovation to be made and lives to be changed for the better.”
What are three words to describe yourself?
-Ambitious, Bold, Prospective
Favorite video game?
"Professor Layton is great, you just blow steam by rattling your brain with puzzles."
Quote to live by:
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." –Isaac Newton