Recently A to Z challenged its members to participate in the QØ Cup a competitive Online National Business Completion. We are so proud by the sheer amount of participants and are happy to see that people had fun doing it to get their mind off the COVID-19 situation.
Team 1: Udit Garg (Made it to the Finals)
He had the idea to prevent massive energy consumption and large amounts of pollution caused by traditional funeral methods like cremation, embalmment and casket burial. He wanted to provide a service for people who are looking for a more innovative and creative alternative to pay respects to the dead. By artificially decomposing the body, he realized it could reduce the carbon footprint as it does not release any pollution, nor does it require as much energy as a traditional cremations. The composted soil is returned with a planted tree sapling symbolic of the circle of life.
Team 2: Joseph Alphonso and Jaemin Lee (Made it to the Second round)
They had the idea to make the use of solar panel chargers for phones more popular. With the rise of climate change, they believed that by limiting the consumption of electricity on a mass scale from the outlet they could help the slow down the effects of climate change. They wanted to create a green movement that would resonate with people and help them find alternative to make more people inclined to use solar panel phone chargers. They realized that current phone charges are way too bulky and look awful so they figured out a way to make the case have a smooth a sleek design.
Team 3: Ivan Lopez, Ralph Notz and Eduardo Valladares (Made it to the First round)
They had the idea to improve the quality of homes, more specifically the foundation of homes. They thought of different ways to use recycled plastic and scraps to make molds of necessary pieces in order to build the foundation of homes. Plastic is more durable over time, and resistant to water fire (to an extent) and many other natural disasters. The price would be a little more than using wood or other normal building materials for the foundation of homes, however they felt that people would be willing to use it still because it provides many benefits as plastic is not as brittle as concrete and wood, so it’s a better option against things such as earthquakes.
We here at A to Z are so proud with everyone that participated!!! This achievements shows that even with hardships we are facing now we can find ways to be productive and have fun doing it!
Nathan Hadjiyski, Arjun Patel, Ivan Lopez, and Tim Cheek are very proud that we could teach you guys the tips we learned for conducting business and applying it to science! Everyone here at A to Z are all a team and are so happy that this victory was a group effort!!!!
Good job A to Z!!!!
