We wanted the start off the club with a practice pitch. So we taught the members some good ways to formulate an idea: Rapid Ideation (Individuals write down as many thoughts or ideas around the topic provided as possible), Starbursting (Listing questions that deal with the who, what, where, when, and why this idea is good), and Brain Writing(Team members individually write down their ideas and later share them to narrow down/build-off of the best one). The prompt was " Design a product that would make it so people will remember to wash their hands after going to the bathroom! " and the response were interesting. We had the teams debate for which idea would be victorious and end off with a sensor on the door handle that detects how much bacteria is on the persons hand and stays locked if it doesn't meet the threshold of cleanness.
We also introduced the E-bay fundraiser to them and gave them a challenge to find a product in their house they don't have use for and take pictures of it and post it on the club folder in google drive. They have till Nov. 15 and if they do it we will have a pizza party! So Good Luck!!!!