Today we highlighted how our fundraisers will work! The plan is to have it as streamlined as possible, so anyone can contribute to helping the PTSO with ease. Our strategy falls in line with "one mans trash is another mans treasure". What we want people to do is start to look for things that you were planning on throwing away/don't use anymore (ex. toys, chairs, etc.) and just take some nice pictures and write a short description on them. Then we can list those items on the club eBay account:
What is good with our fundraising strategy is it is able to work during the pandemic and can help our school along the way. They gave us so many things for online school and we want to continue to give back. We were able to raise over $1,600 during the pandemic and we hope to raise more!!!

We also assigned a quick task to complete for next week! We want you guys to start finding your passions and figure out ways that you can solve the problems that interest you using science. You need some business knowledge to sell a product, but some science to make/understand that product. This Task will help you to narrow down the problem you would like to solve!
See you all Next Week!!!! Great Job A-Z!!!!