A to Z is very honored to be able to host our first speaker the club! We were really happy with the amount of people that showed up and how excited the club members were to see the presentation! Everyone who attended said they really enjoyed it, and got a better perspective to the business world and what it is like to be a chemical engineer.
Here is some Information on the Speaker:
Milko Gergov, a 45-year plastics veteran, is known for the IntelliMold process he developed in
the early 1990s, which controls injection molding melt pressure and temperature using
His motto sounds like an Industry 4.0 mantra: "If you cannot measure it, you cannot control it.
If you cannot control it, you cannot improve it."
Gergov, 70, came to the United States in the late 1970s from his native Bulgaria. He
invented Close loop ControlIn 2000, he sold IntelliMold™ to Textron Automotive Co.
Inc. Textron used the technology and wanted to license IntelliMold to molders outside
of automotive. But in 2001, Collins & Aikman Corp. bought Textron's automotive trim
division and wasn't interested in spreading IntelliMold. Gergov bought it back. He runs
MGV Enterprises LLC in Ann Arbor, Mich. Gergov also is a consultant for Imflux, the
technology company in Hamilton, Ohio, set up by Procter & Gamble Co.
The Presentation:
A to Z is so proud of the amount of people who helped advertise the event! We want to show off what they did, cause they worked really hard on them!!! The beautiful poster was made by club member Udit Garg to help get people passing-by interested! The two videos were made by Nathan Hadjiyski to use as a template so club members could post them on their Instagram Stories to reach a wider audience.
