We at A to Z are so proud of all the people that were able to make it this national business competition! Tim Cheek made it in with his idea "Shockwave" a electric wallet that is designed to be anti-theft. Arjun Patel made it in with his idea "Curtain Call" a connection based service for actors and directors to work together easier. Nathan Hadjiyski made it in with his idea "KASTER" which is a tool for oncologists to use when detecting kidney cancer by using Deep Learning/Artificial Intelligence.

Unfortunately due to recently due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic it was canceled. We are really sad that everyone's hard work wont be available to be presented, but it wasn't a waste of time because everyone learned a lot and had a fun experience making their pitch/product.
We hope to compete next year, but regardless we had more people get in this year which is a big achievement in itself!!!
Here are the pitches:
Arjun Patel's Video:
Tim Cheek's Video:
Tim's video was too big for the website but click HERE to watch his video!!!!!
Nathan Hadjiyski's Video: